"As of 2023, BEST's Bus number 162 is Regular bus in Mumbai Starting from P Thakre Udyan Bus Station Sewree with total of 13 stops and total run time of 27 Minutes to reach Worli Village (Last Stop) with 4.8 Km of travel distance . Below are route details.."
162 Bus Details at Glance
- Starting From : P Thakre Udyan Bus Station Sewree.
- Destination : Worli Village.
- Total Stops : 13.
- Travel Time : 27 Minutes.
- Route Distance (Km) : 4.8.
- First Bus Timing From P Thakre Udyan Bus Station Sewree : 06:05.
- Last Bus Timing From P Thakre Udyan Bus Station Sewree : 22:40.
- First Bus Timing From Worli Village : 05:40.
- Last Bus Timing From Worli Village : 22:24.
162 Bus Route
Bus Timings
- Timings from P Thakre Udyan Bus Station Sewree : 06:05, 06:15, 06:25, 06:43, 06:52, 06:59, 07:06, 07:16, 07:20, 07:27, 07:33, 07:40, 07:48, 07:52, 07:58, 08:04, 08:10, 08:16, 08:22, 08:30, 08:34, 08:40, 08:45, 08:51, 08:56, 09:02, 09:07, 09:13, 09:19, 09:26, 09:32, 09:39, 09:45, 09:51, 09:58, 10:04, 10:10, 10:17, 10:23, 10:29, 10:36, 10:43, 10:50, 10:57, 11:04, 11:11, 11:18, 11:25, 11:32, 11:39, 11:46, 11:53, 12:00, 12:07, 12:14, 12:21, 12:28, 12:35, 12:42, 12:49, 12:53, 13:03, 13:10, 13:17, 13:24, 13:33, 13:38, 13:45, 13:52, 13:59, 14:06, 14:13, 14:20, 14:27, 14:34, 14:41, 14:48, 14:55, 15:02, 15:11, 15:16, 15:23, 15:30, 15:37, 15:44, 15:51, 15:58, 16:05, 16:12, 16:18, 16:26, 16:33, 16:41, 16:49, 16:57, 17:05, 17:13, 17:17, 17:21, 17:26, 17:37, 17:45, 18:01, 18:11, 18:19, 18:25, 18:33, 18:40, 18:47, 18:54, 19:00, 19:09, 19:16, 19:24, 19:31, 19:38, 19:45, 19:53, 20:00, 20:07, 20:14, 20:22, 20:29, 20:38, 20:44, 20:53, 20:58, 21:04, 21:10, 21:16, 21:21, 21:28, 21:31, 21:36, 21:42, 21:48, 21:54, 22:01, 22:08, 22:16, 22:24, 22:32, 22:40
- Timings from Worli Village : 05:40, 05:50, 06:00, 06:19, 06:28, 06:35, 06:42, 06:49, 07:03, 07:09, 07:16, 07:22, 07:28, 07:34, 07:36, 07:44, 07:49, 07:54, 07:59, 08:04, 08:09, 08:15, 08:20, 08:26, 08:31, 08:37, 08:42, 08:48, 08:55, 09:00, 09:05, 09:10, 09:16, 09:23, 09:29, 09:35, 09:42, 09:48, 09:54, 10:01, 10:08, 10:15, 10:22, 10:29, 10:36, 10:43, 10:50, 10:57, 11:04, 11:11, 11:18, 11:25, 11:32, 11:39, 11:46, 11:53, 12:00, 12:07, 12:14, 12:21, 12:28, 12:35, 12:42, 12:49, 12:56, 13:03, 13:10, 13:17, 13:25, 13:31, 13:38, 13:45, 13:52, 13:59, 14:06, 14:13, 14:20, 14:27, 14:34, 14:41, 14:48, 14:55, 15:02, 15:09, 15:16, 15:23, 15:30, 15:37, 15:44, 15:51, 15:58, 16:05, 16:12, 16:19, 16:26, 16:33, 16:37, 16:41, 16:49, 16:57, 17:05, 17:21, 17:29, 17:37, 17:45, 17:53, 18:00, 18:07, 18:14, 18:22, 18:29, 18:36, 18:44, 18:51, 18:58, 19:05, 19:13, 19:20, 19:27, 19:34, 19:42, 19:49, 19:56, 20:04, 20:11, 20:18, 20:25, 20:33, 20:40, 20:47, 20:54, 21:00, 21:06, 21:13, 21:20, 21:28, 21:36, 21:44, 21:52, 22:00, 22:08, 22:16, 22:24
P Thakre Udyan Bus Station Sewree to Worli Village Route Map