"CSMT to Ambernath timetable which are Fast local trains, running on central railway route.."
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CSMT to Ambernath Timetable (Fast trains)
Below are schedules of Fast train, Which Do not stop at Parel, Matunga, Vikhroli, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar and also few 'Super Fast' locals starting CSMT to Ambernath which has no halt at Kalva, Mumbra, Diva, Kopar, Thakurli, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar.
AM Trains
08:47 # No halt at Bhandup, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
09:22 # No halt at Bhandup, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
09:53 # No halt at Vikhroli, Mulund, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
10:10 # No halt at Bhandup, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
10:29 # No halt at Bhandup, Diva, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
10:53 # No halt Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
11:22 # No halt at Bhandup, Diva, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
PM Trains
04:03 # Fast train
05:00 # Super Fast
05:45 # No halt at Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
06:06 # No halt at Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
06:28 # No halt at Mulund, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
06:53 # No halt at Vikhroli, Mulund, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
07:42 # No halt at Bhandup, Diva, Vitthalwadi and Ulhasnagar
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