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 Kurla to Dadar Slow Trains - Mumbai Local Trains Timetable 2023

Mumbai Local Trains

"Kurla to Dadar timetable which are Slow local trains, running on central railway route.."

Disclaimer : Although we update train timings regularly, We do not guarantee for the timings detailed.

Kurla to Dadar Timetable (Slow trains)


Stations Name Between Kurla and Dadar

(Time Difference in Hour:Minutes)

Kurla Starting Station
Sion 4 Minutes
Matunga 8 Minutes
Dadar 11 Minutes

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Deven Jadav

Author: Deven Jadav

Greetings, I am Deven, the founder of Mumbai77. With immense passion, I have dedicated my full-time efforts to continuously learn and update important information about Mumbai city. Currently, I am a full-time blogger residing in Mumbai. Since its establishment on July 7, 2007, Mumbai77 has attracted millions of pageviews. Our website aims to provide valuable information, including my personal reviews and experiences, to assist individuals worldwide in their search for updated information about Mumbai city.

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