“The much awaited new local train services beyond Virar (Then, the last station towards north on western railway route) which was proposed many times and due to problems and various services limitations were postponed, has started in March 2013. Till then people staying between Virar and Dahanu Road station were traveling via DMU Memu and other passenger trains which took lots of time as they need to get down at Virar and board local trains towards Mumbai. Some 75 new train services which started with alteration in existing schedules and adding new once has already given relief to those Dahanu residents who commuted daily in bad conditions. So the 60 km stretch between Churchgate Virar is now extended to Dahanu road with a total distance of 124 km. Below is Dahanu Mumbai timetable for those new local trains that are running..”
Please note: The details on this page may not be up to date.
Fast Slow Trains between Dahanu Mumbai
Below are listed schedules of new direct local trains (Fast and Slow) starting from Churchgate, Dadar, Bandra, Andheri, Borivali, and Virar (i.e Dahanu Mumbai Area).
Major Changes & UPDATES (23rd August 2013) According to the latest released timetable for new local trains Starting From Dahanu to Mumbai City locations like Churchgate, Borivali, and Virar and Vice-Versa, Local trains timing running towards Dahanu are as follows.
KINDLY NOTE : Trains Planned to start On 12th Or 15th Of April, 2013. The schedules detailed below may change and we will try our best to keep you updated on this page.
- Churchgate to Dahanu Road Fast
- Mumbai Central to Dahanu Fast
- Dadar to Dahanu Fast
- Bandra to Dahanu Fast
- Borivali to Dahanu Fast
- Virar to Dahanu Slow
- Panvel to Dahanu Slow
- For Andheri to Dahanu Fast/Slow Trains, Refer Local Trains from Dadar, Mumbai Central, and Churchgate
- For Vasai to Dahanu Fast/Slow Trains, Refer to All Above schedules.
From Dahanu Road Towards Mumbai
- Dahanu to Bandra Fast Trains
- Dahanu to Borivali Fast
- Dahanu to Vasai Fast
- Dahanu to Virar Slow
- Dahanu to Dadar Fast
- Dahanu to Churchgate Fast
- Dahanu Mumbai Central Fast
- Dahanu to Panvel Slow
- Virar to Dahanu Slow Trains
- Dahanu towards Virar Trains
IMP NOTE : FOR PRINTABLE / PDF Format of above timetable, Kindly use the icon inside the Social Sharing Option below post.
You might also like to have a look at current details and timetable of trains operating between Virar and Dahanu road. And if you don’t know the name of the stations between Virar and Dahanu here they are ( Vaitarna, Saphale, Kelve Road, Palghar, Umroli, Boisar and Vangaon). See Mumbai local timetable list for more trains of other routes and also for your reference is complete railway map of Mumbai.
Help reach other Mumbai neighbor friends staying between Virar and Dahanu by SHARING with the below Social Icons and Don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook to KEEP UPDATED on new trains and schedules. Thank you & Visit again.
See More in Local Trains Timetable