“One thoroughly compiled page with finest collections of videos and pictures showcasing Old Mumbai (Formerly Called ‘Bombay’), Also details and videos of old Bollywood songs of golden era (black and white)..”
Old Bollywood and Mumbai Videos
Now this is again fascinating to watch the past of Bollywood, Mumbai can be seen in many of the Bollywood songs from Movies like ‘Mr X in Bombay’ that shows Kishor kumar singing a song at Gateway of India, Movie called CID shows Old marine Drive and Another Old video from movie Manzil with song ‘Rim Jhim Gire Sawan’ pictured on Young Big B Amitabh Bachchan and Moushumi chatterjee singing and hanging out on old Mumbai streets. The Street of Mumbai in old 1980’s can be seen in locations like Marine Lines and CST of the shoot and more such Bollywood videos below. So lets have a look on those videos individually.
Video From Movie Mr. X in Bombay (1964)
Featuring song on Singer/Actor Kishore Kumar starting at Taj Hotel Near gateway of India, The Song is ‘Mere Mehboob Qayamat Hogi’ in Black and White Era. A clear picture of locations around Apollo Bunder near gateway.
Old Video From Movie CID (1956)
A Beautiful and famous Bollywood song of Old Bombay called ‘ye hai Bombay meri jaan” featuring Jonny walker a fine actor and comedian. This song shows how Old marine drive and Nariman Point area was looking, Again a great piece of black and white era video. Read the subtitle and it shows that the song was dedicated to old Mumbai (Also called ‘Bumbai / Bambai’) then.
Old Mumbai As Seen in Manzil Movie Song 1970’s
Like discussed before Big B Amitabh Old video on Streets on Mumbai during mid 1970’s in Bombay.
Early 1980’s Video of Mumbai
Now i have found 3 bollywood songs that featured Old Mumbai of 80’s era, Now then it was colour movies and those 3 films are Choti Si baat, Baaton Baaton Mein and Buddha Mil Gaya. First two featuring great actor / Director Amol Palekar with leading ladies like Tina Muneem (Now Ambani), and One can see fort at Old Bandstand Bandra, quite in shape the old lovers point of Mumbai with actor Navin Nischol singing song ‘Raat Kali Ek Khwab Mein Aayi’ with leading lady in saree. Important note here is that their is no ‘Bandra Worli Sea link’, just open sea and those little looking worli area.
Now can you see those old mills of Mumbai with smoke floating open in sky on Raat Kali Song at 4:00 time on video ?? That’s what Worli, Lower Parel area was the old Mills and Industries.
Old Mumbai of 1990’s Videos
Now their are lots of videos of late 1990’s like Yes Boss song ‘Chand Taare’ where again we can see old Bandra and other locations of Mumbai, And that 1995 film Rangeela with Song ‘Yaaro Sun Lo Zara’ by A R Rehman featuring Aamir Khan and Urmila wow that’s where Taj Lands is today right ? Ya its the Bandstand Road of Bandra, Mumbai Suburb, and that the back side of old Sea rock hotel at video time 1:40 (Sea Rock is demolished now for a new one).
Real Old Video Clips Of Bombay
One of the best clips below by ‘Robert Rossellini’ of oldest view of Mumbai City of 1950’s and 1960’s which shows old time Chowpatty beach view from hanging garden, That beautiful gateway of India and Colaba, That rare seen now old Double Decker bus and tram trains near CST (Then Called VT station), Can you see next the BMC office, Nice aerial view right ? Those old bullock carts which now not seen and that Old Jama Masjid wow. Next comes the rare old view of Kalbadevi road and then one can also see that women in saree with cow on road, That’s a rare view now in Mumbai. You must also properly watch this video and see the old Ambassador taxis running on Mumbai roads. See the old times parsi’s and Muslim people walking. The awesome looking old time Charni road buildings. Next is what you can see is that old times shaving and hair cutting and other
things like sharpening the knife was done on that man made machines and vendors were seen on road for same. Now look at those clips below and you will find Bombay before and after Independence.
And here is another view of Mumbai during 1964 and Other Decades that shows old Kamathipura, Dhobi Ghat, Schools and Old taj at Apollo Bunder
Old Mumbai Pictures
HOPE YOU WILL SHARE THESE OLD MUMBAI MEMORIES WITH FRIENDS and OLD Uncles and Aunties via share options below.
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