BKC Cycling Track – First and Failed Track at Bandra – Mumbai

“Inaugurated by then CM of Congress on 13th of April Last Year 2011, This was the much awaited first cycling track of Mumbai city located at G Block of Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) was seen till date April 2012, a failed project and waste of about 6 crores of public money developed by MMRDA..”

Cycling Track BKC
Cycling Track BKC

Facts about Cycling Track of Bandra

This idea of getting a dedicated track for cycle lovers in Mumbai for joy ride and a kind of initiative towards awareness of going green, saving environment etc by Mr.SVR Srinivas, the Additional Metropolitan Commissioner of Mumbai is not a success till date. Although the idea if properly executed at correct place instead of Bandra Kurla Complex which is a commercial giant location, would have been success with enthusiastic cyclist of Mumbai taking active initiative for sure. The project started in late October 2012 took about 6 months to get inaugurated by our chief minister Mr. Prithviraj chavan who himself did a joy ride on that green coloured cycle track adjacent to road.

This 16 km (Actually 13 km which was extended to 3 more km) long track for bicycles which is located at ‘G Block’ of BKC commercial hub has already costed about 6 lakhs rupees of public money, developed by our MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority ). The track first experienced the BSA cycle, Yes the famous, strong and one of the oldest known brands of cycles in Mumbai (India) as an initiative of ‘BSA Hercules India Cyclothon’ of same year 2011.Along with our CM other special members of parliament were present to do the honour, they were Ratnakar Gaikwad, Milind Deora and Rahul Asthana along with Bollywood actor Imran Khan seen on that Green Cycling Track

Failed Cycle Track Project of BKC

Now this is purely from the news on leading newspapers about what happened after that, Some of the very known news media like Mid-Day, Hindustan times, DNA etc who leads the Industry followed up on those green track and found it as an disaster. Actually, an active NGO from Mumbai who found public money getting wasted on this first cycling track project at BKC initiated and Right To Information (RTI) application, then whole picture came up with can sadden any citizen of Mumbai. It was found that their was no feasibility study done before the project started on work during 2010, Nor do any survey done. The work was so pathetic that the green belt of track is hardly seen.

Mid-Day and other actives met officials of MMRDA to understand the situation and they all said, we will check on why this happened, why the contractor who already got the full amount for developing this cycle track of Mumbai, has not done the job perfectly ? The news papers also shown how bikes and cars are been parked on 6.5 crore track which is no more just a dedicated cycle track.

This demotivated the active cyclist of city and hope no further disaster happens, also expect some good news like same new cycle tracks in replacement of this wasted money. If you know about any such tracks which can help other active bicycle friends of city, please use the below comment box and let us know.

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Greetings, I am Deven, the founder of Mumbai77. With immense passion, I have dedicated my full-time efforts to continuously learn and update important information about Mumbai city. Currently, I am a full-time blogger residing in Mumbai. Since its establishment on July 7, 2007, Mumbai77 has attracted millions of pageviews. Our website aims to provide valuable information, including my personal reviews and experiences, to assist individuals worldwide in their search for updated information about Mumbai city.

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Milind Sonar
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mahendra mehta
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Suneeta Mestry
Suneeta Mestry
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