What is Gudi and Meaning Of Decorating in Mumbai Padwa Festival

“Mumbai being in Maharashtra state, the Marathi people community who celebrates the ‘Gudi Padwa‘ festival is basically a new year day. Decorating GUDI at door steps and balconies of flats are almost seen everywhere in city. But what Gudi actually means and why they decorate that copper vessel on the stick with many other things?. Lets understand Marathi special new year and gudi decoration in details, We will also see and understand each and everything used to decorate a Gudi, with its festive meaning and real life resemblance in Marathi language, also explained in English. Refer image that details the same and below is the perfect meaning..”

Gudi Decoration Details
Gudi Decoration Details

  1. First and the top thing gudi has is a copper vessel which is called ‘KALASH’, which resembles ‘YASHASHRI’, means Winning.
  2. The Second is the green leaf called ‘LIMBFATA’ which resembles ‘AROGYA’, means Health.
  3. Third thing in decoration list are Flowers, called ‘PUSHPAHAR’ which resembles ‘MANGALYA’, means Happiness and Well Being.
  4. Forth thing found is the big block and form of Sugar called ‘SAKHAR GADI’, which resembles ‘MADHURYA’, means Sweetness in Life.
  5. Fifth in list of decoration is the authentic Marathi women cloth called shiny sari, called ‘JARI SARI’, resembling ‘VAIBHAV’, means blessings and according to wikipedia means ‘who look after & take care of whole universe’.
  6. Then comes the long stick called ‘VEDU KATHI’ in Marathi language, resembling ‘SAMARTH’, means Power and being with.
  7. Next on list is ‘Siddhi’, word of one of the name of Lord Ganesh called ‘Siddhivinayak’. Here is is resembled with ‘SHRIFAL’, which is a Coconut. In short Coconut is the first thing used in any ritual in the name of Lord ganesh, ‘Siddhi’ here means a super natural power achieved in life.
  8. With Siddhi is next in list called ‘Sankalp’ showing ‘Supari’ (Areca Nut). This thing means and resembles ‘Will’ to do something good and better in future life.
  9. Next is ‘Haldi Kumkum’ a traditional Yellow (Turmeric) and Red Power used in all rituals by Marathi and any Hindu community. These 2 set of powder means GOOD LUCK and is called ‘Saubhagya’ while it comes to decorating gudi.
  10. Tenth and the last thing used to decorate a gudi is ‘Stairya’ also called ‘Pat’ in marathi. Its a wooden table kind small stuff used to keep the gudi on. It resembles ‘Balance and Stability’ in life.

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Greetings, I am Deven, the founder of Mumbai77. With immense passion, I have dedicated my full-time efforts to continuously learn and update important information about Mumbai city. Currently, I am a full-time blogger residing in Mumbai. Since its establishment on July 7, 2007, Mumbai77 has attracted millions of pageviews. Our website aims to provide valuable information, including my personal reviews and experiences, to assist individuals worldwide in their search for updated information about Mumbai city.

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