Dadar Kabutar Khana – Famous Pigeon House in Mumbai

“Yes, the Iconic heritage grade 2 structure near Dadar market, The Famous “Kabutar Khana Circle” (Also called Pigeon House) is finally getting a face lift. Previously also there were attempts to renovate this tourist attraction of Mumbai, But Locals along with business people in market objected the move and finally the work for all new looking Dadar Kabutar khana’s will start post monsoon and will take about 8 to 10 months to be completed by BMC. Lets understand why this circular historic structure which is also called “Kabutar khana” were about thousands of pigeons stays and are feed regularly is so important to Mumbai city’s attraction, And now to get a solution for traffic and congestion is getting renovated, with some other details of importance..”

Dadar Kabutar Khana Circle Structure
Dadar Kabutar Khana Also Called KabutarKhana

Why Dadar Kabutar Khana is an Attraction?

Since 1933, i.e about 82 years now when this structure was built about 3000 to 4000 pigeons are feeded with about 1500 to 1700 Kilogram of grains as regular diet like Chana (Roasted Chickpea), Jowari (Sorghum, Durra, Milo), Bajara (Maize), Moong etc. Located exactly near wholesale and retail markets adjacent to Dadar Railway station in West on Javale road, This Kabutar khana (Also Refered as “Kabutarkhana”) is considered a holy peaceful place as a location as is surrounded by a Shantinath Jain temple, Hindu god Hanuman temple, and a Mosque. It has been listed as a Grade 2 heritage structure of Mumbai giving importance to the structure, makings and materials inside like cast iron grill, A water fountain which is not operational as of now and the old looking granary.

Old Dadar Station Location
Old Dadar Station Location

An old picture of Dadar railway station (Above) on this page which is barely 100 to 150 meters from Kabutar khana circle shows the population of this station then and the reason of building this structure at this very junction which is now congested with road traffic surrounded with slow moving buses, Bus stops, Pedestrians, Hawkers and vendors, Taxis etc. Its an iconic old structure which brings smile on senior citizens face now in their 50’s, 60’s and above who had seen the then looking Dadar with slow moving life. Not just them, we generation next and kids do enjoy feeding those birdies inside. Since then, “Dadar Kabutarkhana Trust” takes care of this heritage structure by collecting funds from near by shops since last 5 to 7 decades famously called ‘Dadar Market’. Veterinarians from famous Bombay vets college and BSPCA visit kabutar khana to vaccinate and give required dose of vitamins so that the flocking pigeons keep fit, immunized and be away from diseases which can affect the locals and markets around this structure. More over this location was one of the choice of shooting by Bollywood directors.

Location Video

Newly Renovated Kabootar Khana

About 8 decades now, with thousands of migrants in Mumbai and many commercial setups connecting locations like worli and prabhadevi, and the number of residents increasing in Dadar, The problem of getting congested city is obvious and so is the traffic island problems. This kabutar khana is located exactly at trio junction as M C Javale Road reaches Railway station, Other Station Road goes to right towards Plaza and in left towards Shardashram school is Bhavani Shankar Road (See Map below). Also this chaotic location is surrounded with old and famous retails and wholesaling shops in market like Dadar hand loom house, Ashar Key hub, Rathod jewellers, Dadar Departmental Stores, Colo Photo Shop, Maa Sharveshwari Chana Bhandar, Om Farshan, Shantinath Jain temple, Laxmi Hotel and lots others.

Kabutar khana Map
Kabutar khana Map

For renovation and getting a beautified looks of Kabutar khana circle, BMC has raised funds and at this stage are ready to get final approval from heritage committee to begin the work. The new looks of this place will be clean and beautiful, keeping the heritage important old things which are used inside like water fountain, cast iron grills intact. The trigger point of this renovation is the traffic at this circle junction, It will further give easy movements for buses, taxis and will help pedestrians too for ease in crossing. It will also attract more tourist to visit this place and hope BMC and other committee has plans to take care of tourism industry and the upcoming movements which can further be a problem next after face lift.

Beautification steps be taken where this Pigeon house will be illuminated at night to be seen by passers by and those travelling via buses and taxi. Hope the lightnings will not disturb the birds inside the structure. The old water fountain will be seen operational and for cleanliness and hygiene purpose water pipes will be installed with all new flooring properly planned that will take care of cleaning the bird droppings etc. It is also proposed to reduce the circle structure by a meter which will help the vehicles like buses turn with ease and move faster. The granary will be seen shifted inside the structure due to cut of a meter in new plans. The work will begin post rainy season and will take about 8 to 10 months more. For convenience and ease, work will be carried out at off hours in night between 11:00 Pm and 5:00 Am in morning. BEST and traffic police department will also cooperate with the renovation plans and Mumbai will get a new uplifted tourism attraction on list.

In below comment box, Give your views on what all should be done more that will help this project better

More near places to see in Dadar are Chowpatty and Area wise attractions to see.

See More in    Attractions

Greetings, I am Deven, the founder of Mumbai77. With immense passion, I have dedicated my full-time efforts to continuously learn and update important information about Mumbai city. Currently, I am a full-time blogger residing in Mumbai. Since its establishment on July 7, 2007, Mumbai77 has attracted millions of pageviews. Our website aims to provide valuable information, including my personal reviews and experiences, to assist individuals worldwide in their search for updated information about Mumbai city.
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Mohd Jamal
Mohd Jamal
Kanpur uttar pradesh india
Milind Sonar
Milind Sonar
It was helpful
mahendra mehta
mahendra mehta
Give us 2024 bus timing for all rout .remove old time table
Suneeta Mestry
Suneeta Mestry
Good information about all stops. Thank you so much

2 Replies to “Dadar Kabutar Khana – Famous Pigeon House in Mumbai

  1. Deven ji Namaskar
    Is there a way to find out which hospitals existed near KAbutar Khana in the 70s and 80s before the redevelopment began there?
    this nostalgic article has made me look for my roots there
    thanks for making this efforts to keep memories alive

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