ATVM Smart Card Machine Ticketing Demo – Mumbai Local Trains

“I detailed about ATVM Smart Card machines and How to recharge same. Here is a live demo of how this machine operates and step by step how easy it is to get your tickets via these ATVM Cards. Looking at the Demo already thousands have shifted from regular queues and hope it will help you to decide on if really need to stand in long queues as Monthly Seasonal Pass and other options to getting smarter with smart card. Some details on Pro’s and Con’s are also below..”

ATVM Smart Card Machine
ATVM and Smart Card Machine

ATVM Smart Card Machine Ticketing Demo

Smart Card ATVM Ticket
Smart Card ATVM Ticket

Pros & Cons of Using ATVM Cards


One of the biggest advantage (The Pros) of using smart card compared to regular local train journey tickets from ticket counter is TO SAVE TIME, One misses important train by standing in long queues.

Another being to get exact change or the counter may ask for 1 Rupee or 2 Rupee change (Indian Currency) to adjust the fare amount, and that’s irritating sometimes when you are in hurry.

If you are like those who don’t travel daily and still gets seasonal pass, then be alert the rates have already gone high and ATVM is best option to save those money. Its like use smart cards as and when need to travel, compared to spend fixed amount of money for monthly / Quarterly seasonal pass.

With Every Rs.500 Recharge (Top Up) you get additional Rs.25 as bonus which is added to the total travel pack value, that’s really good.


One thing i didn’t like (The Cons) when getting the live demo for travel ticket was the machines are not well maintained and the touch screens are not sensitive, Now public can’t be blamed of not using properly or keeping clean their fingers when using their smart cards.

In this ticket demo one can see the card have to be placed on the sensor which is open to air and most of the time filled with dust. This also affects the card quality if used frequently.

Possibly, the navigation system should have been better (Although not bad), Step by step options always works great for layman compared to full screen cluttered with selections and options. A person might feel like left out some options or might be wrong.

How about a small DEMO button inside screen ?, which when pressed can show up a small 1 minute run video on how to operate ATVM and get your first class, second class journey ticket.

See More in    Travel Guide

Greetings, I am Deven, the founder of Mumbai77. With immense passion, I have dedicated my full-time efforts to continuously learn and update important information about Mumbai city. Currently, I am a full-time blogger residing in Mumbai. Since its establishment on July 7, 2007, Mumbai77 has attracted millions of pageviews. Our website aims to provide valuable information, including my personal reviews and experiences, to assist individuals worldwide in their search for updated information about Mumbai city.
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Mohd Jamal
Mohd Jamal
Kanpur uttar pradesh india
Milind Sonar
Milind Sonar
It was helpful
mahendra mehta
mahendra mehta
Give us 2024 bus timing for all rout .remove old time table
Suneeta Mestry
Suneeta Mestry
Good information about all stops. Thank you so much

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