BEST Bus Complaints Related Procedure in Mumbai

“One of the cheapest mode of commuting inside Mumbai city, BEST’s buses attracts lots of daily travellers and is often crowded during peak hours. Although BEST says they are in losses, the crowd bus seems to be overloaded sometimes and doesn’t make believe so. Such crowded buses also brings in some complaints inside and related to conductors behaviours, drivers faults and co-passengers menace. This article details some important factors and procedure on how to register a complain for any issues emerging to arguments and fights with conductors related to money change or sometimes the rash driving of bus driver leading to an accidents and related. Other complaining factors inside a BEST bus are mostly co-passengers who harass / abuse women, refuse to vacant ladies seat, handicap or senior citizen seats, lost + found articles etc. Below are the important factors to consider if you want to put up a complaint and some procedure to follow and keep note of within Mumbai city limits..”

BEST Buses in Mumbai
BEST Buses in Mumbai

An odd amount of fare, for example like Rs.7 or Rs.13 after fare hike may lead to confusion for initial days and often end up arguments between bus conductor and commuter to get or give exact change of money / currency notes. Rs.100 and Rs.500 note when inevitably given by passengers as not having change brings that weird natural expressions on conductors face and he may refuse to accept and ask for change or exact fare amount. It is also natural on conductors side as sometimes they too don’t have the fare change, and Rs.500 for a actual fare of Rs.20 to Rs.50 is also not practical. But such small situations occurs frequently and sometimes turns into an argument and word wars, Often forcing passengers to lodge a complain against the rude conductors misbehaviour. Rarely does it happens now, still sometimes when a bus doesn’t stop at its respective stop, the long awaiting person gets boiled with anger and needs to register a complaint against such careless driver. Such and many similar things like Lost + Found baggage, Women security and harassment etc happens inside Mumbai buses often and people hunts for a correct authority, helplines to detail their grief. Legal Procedure laid down by BEST organization needs to be be followed and important factors like bus tickets needs to be preserved to get the justice at BEST court. Below are some important points to be noted and procedure that needs to be followed to file a complaint regarding same.

Complain Registering Procedure

Old Style Bus Tickets
Old Style Bus Tickets

  • Complaints can be registered at bus stations or a depot where complain window is available.
  • Most important things to preserve is the bus ticket on which details about Bus number, driver, fare, distance, timings and bus route are detailed. This help trace the conductor and driver on BEST duty.
  • At major stops and depots a senior traffic officer can be seen who checks the passengers tickets upon alighting and then signals the driver to move ahead.
  • Ask that ‘man in blue uniform’ officer to write your complain by producing the ticket issued by conductor to you.
  • A form which has your personal details with contact address etc will be filled as a complaint, attached it will be the bus ticket.
  • Do not forget to take a quick snap of that ticket on your mobile before submitting it. An Xerox copy will be a excellent thing to be done.
  • Take your complaint copy stamped signed or with any such legal procedure confirming your written complain was accepted by BEST authorities.
  • The traffic officer in blue uniform gets a copy of your complaint form too.
    Finally a date is fixed and you are called at BEST court to record complete detailed statement and action is taken accordingly.
  • BEST Bus toll free helpline 1800-227-550 can be called alternately or a email can be sent with scan version of ticket attached to ‘transport (at the rate) bestundertaking (dot) com’.

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Greetings, I am Deven, the founder of Mumbai77. With immense passion, I have dedicated my full-time efforts to continuously learn and update important information about Mumbai city. Currently, I am a full-time blogger residing in Mumbai. Since its establishment on July 7, 2007, Mumbai77 has attracted millions of pageviews. Our website aims to provide valuable information, including my personal reviews and experiences, to assist individuals worldwide in their search for updated information about Mumbai city.
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Mohd Jamal
Mohd Jamal
Kanpur uttar pradesh india
Milind Sonar
Milind Sonar
It was helpful
mahendra mehta
mahendra mehta
Give us 2024 bus timing for all rout .remove old time table
Suneeta Mestry
Suneeta Mestry
Good information about all stops. Thank you so much

9 Replies to “BEST Bus Complaints Related Procedure in Mumbai

  1. Bus num 83 @ 11 pm did nt stop the bus at d bus stop… Tho its raining too heavily d bus driver took the bus in rush

    1. Hello Rosemary,

      I truly understand how frustrating it is. But , we are just information blog & can’t help much here. You should register complain at nearest depot or the listed toll-free number detailed, They can guide better.

  2. Bus number 368 AC not stopped at godrej Boyce stop Vikroli
    Not only one but two buses between 1.25pm to 1.50 pm
    Is it right way of your drivers and services
    Please take action against

  3. To,The attending officer
    myself resident of thakur village vinod verma mobile no 9223456123 has to raise a complain against your ac bus driver amjad shaikh following is narration of todays complain AC BUS 287.
    today at around 11.30 am bus driver of ac bus 287 bang my car and ranway from the spot . i had to chase him for around a 1 km and had to dial 100 and call police on police arrival he shared his driving license with badge number
    This driver drive too fast in inner road of thakur village and bang many cars today was unfortunately my car .
    This driver has used abusive languages and prompted to go with his union and had many stories to be unheard. i have evidences of the same who were preset at the site of accident spot and during abusive languages told

    request you to take action against the said officer and keep me in loop.

    his badge no mentioned on driving license is 25966/bus  272072/AR,217832/TAX. named as amjad shaikh.

  4. This is regarding bus no 85. The bus driver did not stop properly at the bus stop.
    Inspite of showing him a hand and saying am climbing in, he did not wait or stop. I had to climb during the running bus.
    Bus no : MH -03 CV.7054

  5. My husband & me ( both sr. citizens) were travelling this afternoon ( 1.30 p.m.) by best bus no.244 at borivli station ( starting point) and we sat in the senior citizen seats ( we both hv our sr. citizen cards). A middle age man got in & asked me to go & sit in the ladies section. My husband did tell him that we are both senior citizens but that did not stop him & ultimately I had to get up and rush to the ladies section as there were only two seats left in the ladies section.
    1. I want to know from BEST if this is correct what that middle age man did to me.
    2. I can’t understand the logic. Because if. sr citizen women sits on the sr citizen seat (gents side) she is made to get up & sit in the ladies section.
    3. Do they feel if sr citizens is on the gents side that it is they right.
    4. I hv faced this problem many a times.
    Hence, I need your clarifications on the above matter.

    1. Hello Mrs Celia Coutinho,

      Request to please contact BEST authority for same. This is just a blog with information. I personally believe, you are right as seats are reserved for Senior Citizens.

  6. I am travelling by route 27 (Vaishali nagar to Rani Laxmibai chowk ), I take bus from Policy Ground – Sudha Park to S G Barve marg. In your Chalo App its reflects Ramabai stop, but the conductor (Scan the mobile) ticket for Rs.5.00 only till Amar mahal and insist on taking anouther ticket till S G Barve Marg.
    Ticket Details :
    1. On 21-07-2023 ar 10-29Am Conductor ID MS122948 Vehicle Number7987. The ticket was given from Gharkopar Depot though I boarded the bus at Police Ground(Sudha Park).
    2. On 21-07-2023 ar 10-41Am Ticket #T923297010367 bus#7987 ETIM # DHD242 Conductor ID MS122948 from Amar Mahal to Rani Laxmi Bai Chowk.
    For route # 27 to Sion I would like to know the stages. How can stage after Ghatkopar is Ramabai, as per Chalo App (Shivneri Chock, Police Ground and Ramabai all are Ramabai bus stop.
    A request to kindly correct the route and the stages for above mentioned route and instruct the BEST Staff to listen to public (Scan History is shown, but they refuse the same)

  7. Today morning at 8:13 it is time for the 269 bus “Madh Jetty to Borivali to reach Shivaji Nagar there. Two buses were coming together, so some people took the first, and those remaining took the second bus, No. 7588. First, conductors didn’t allow passengers to come inside.

    When he started screaming everyone, Why didn’t you take the first bus that was going on the same route? This is how conductors behave with passengers. like they’re doing free duty for us. later The driver was intentionally driving the bus very slowly, like a bullock cart.

    Even Bailagadi will move fast with this driver. They were threatening all the passengers and saying that the bus would go slow. who gave them permission to drive with such an attitude. Later, five buses passed us because he was driving intentionally slow.

    Please look into this matter. The driver was using his phone with one hand and driving with the other. There are so many holes on Madh Jetty Road. Still, he was careless. This kind of attitude will not work, and it is good for passengers and drivers too. Bus No

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