“Here is Mumbai Metro train helpline an customer care contact numbers for any Lost + Found inside. Like local trains LOST + FOUND services at Western, Central Railways & also for Buses and Taxis, Here we will detail you about what steps to take and whom to contact in Reliance Mumbai Metro if you forgot your belongings in Metro train. Listed are customer care helplines and email contacts with strict guidelines by Metro authorities on how you can recover your property / baggage..”
Customer Care Helpline Contacts
- Whom to contact : Any Staff or the Customer care window or below helplines.
- Helpline Number : +91-22-30310900
- Days : All 7 Days.
- Timings : 8:00 Am to 8:00 PM.
- Location : All 12 Stations.
- Online : Customer care page.
LOST + FOUND Guidelines
Although helpful, metro train authorities have some strict guidelines on things to know before you claim your property. Below is the what.
- It is your liability an not metro’s, They will cooperate 100% but if not found you are responsible for your own belongings lost.
- If you are one who found someone else’s property, It still belongs to Metro. If claimed and verified by actual owner it will be given back after security and related check as mentioned below.
- Metro security department and authorities have full right to check any unclaimed / lost baggage. They will also have rights to open any sealed baggage and have security check by making it undergo screen check and / or manual as and when required.
- If anything inside the baggage is found to be violating there security and other terms, it will be disposed immediately without waiting for owner and metro authorities have full rights to do the same.
- You must immediately register you complaint at stations customer care and LOST + FOUND department, Email or call at helplines without same no action will be taken.
- 1 month is the maximum claim period for which the belongings will be stored after received by Lost + Found department. Once the time period expired, it will be use as donation to respected charity as decided by metro authorities.
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